Does she actually have PPD?
Do those with PPD ever get better with time?
Does your girl recognize that she a problem?
Is there anything that has worked to improve the relationship?
This blog was created to help friends and family members of those with Paranoid Personality Disorder (PPD). Those with Paranoid PD are unlikely to ever seek help. In their mind, they are not the one with the problem; you are. I invite you to use this blog to post comments and engage in communication with others in similar situations. It helps to know you are not alone.
Please, someone help me. I feel like I'm losing my mind! I have been with my girlfriend on and off for two years now. She clearly has P.P.D. but refuses to get help. I love her so much, and am very committed to her, but I am so devastated by her behaviour/thoughts that I'm on the verge of being suicidal.